April 2024 Student of the Month


Tell us about yourself?
My name is Sabrina, I have one daughter who is two and another daughter on the way. 

When did you start taking classes with PYLV?
I started taking prenatal classes in February 2023 and just fell in love!! 

What have you learned since taking classes with PYLV?
I’ve learned a lot about my body and building up fire for birth! Also the strong community that is pregnant women!! 

What is your favorite yoga pose?
My favorite yoga pose is child’s pose, nothing like relaxing in a lil ball.

How has your practice impact your parenting?
I’ve noticed that my practice has given me the ability to have something for myself and taking a breath when i need it or when things get hard. 

What would you tell a new parent considering taking prenatal or baby & me yoga classes?
I would strongly suggest any pregnant mommies to join prenatal yoga as soon as they know they are pregnant. The benefits are just so good and so worth it! Even when things are hard you keep pushing because thats similar to how birth and parenting are! 


May 2024 Student of the Month


March 2024 Student of the Month