Knowledge and Comfort for Every Path

Birth Basics

How you give birth matters. It is an experience you will remember for the rest of your life. There is no good, bad, right or wrong way to give birth. Only your way.

Birth Basics: Knowledge and Comfort for Every Path is an intensive and empowering workshop that equips expectant parents with valuable knowledge, techniques, and exercises to navigate the different stages of labor and effectively manage pain. Through a combination of hands-on activities, engaging lectures, and open discussions, participants will gain a deep understanding of the stages of labor, different types of birth including Caesarean birth, pain management techniques, and more. Providing expectant parents with a toolkit to cope with the intensity of labor. Breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, visualization, and position changes are just some of the methods that will be explored.

Friday, January 24
from 6:30pm-9pm

Upcoming Dates

Saturday, March 22 from 1pm-3:30pm

Private in-home sessions available. Partners and support persons are strongly encouraged to attend. Workshop is $90 per couple. For more information, email Angela at

Felicia S.

I worked with Angela as a private student. She is wonderfully knowledgeable and kind! During our sessions together she made sure to tailor each lesson to my needs that week. I have used what she taught me throughout my pregnancy, during my labor, and post-partum. I truly believe these skills kept me relaxed and reduced the pain of my contractions. My husband and I also took her labor and delivery class. Because of that class he knew what to expect in the delivery room and was prepared to help me mitigate my pain and stay calm.





Calm • Confident • Knowledge • Empowered •