The Story of My Pelvis

​I had never thought about the story of my pelvis until I started to dive deep into pelvic health work. The stories we tell ourselves are powerful and often reflect our inner and outer world. As both physical and emotional manifestation, stories we tell ourselves about our pelvis start early in childhood. It starts off as something innocent, as “poop is yucky” but later in our teens coupled with poor eating habits leads to constipation. In American society we have strong messages about the female pelvis. Things like, “cross your legs, be a lady” and the infamous “thigh gap”. 

Nearly one third of women have experienced sexual assult in their lifetime. (CDC)

The story of our pelvis is a combination of what we learn from our families, friends and media, our experiences, the actions of others, and our physical health. Messages about our menstural cycle and sexuality are especially important. Sexual assult is so common in American society, I can't help but wonder the cumulative effects. Naturally if part of the body has been injured or hurt, there is a natural guarding. After years of guarding, the muscles shorten and become tense. Our pelvic floor muscles work in tandem with other muscles groups. Tightness in one area can affect the entire system.

Our story affects how we give birth, have sex, release, and move through out our daily lives.

Angela Reis in pigeon pose circa 2012.

Angela Reis in pigeon pose circa 2012.

Before I had children, I thought pelvic health issues meant leaking and that was about it. I didn’t give it a whole lot of thought. Looking back, I can see how in my early 20s I had urge incontinence. I didn’t leak but I had to go often. I remember going out on dates and having to use the restroom several times during my date. Granted, my liquid intake was up but still not normal. Even in my early teaching days I made sure to use the restroom before and after class. I would try to go even if I didn’t have to because I had a fear of having to stop on the way home to use the restroom. We all know what it’s like trying to find something when we need it. 

Then fast forward to my first child being born. I didn’t notice any immediate problems. My focus was no longer on myself but this tiny human I created. Seven months in I got pregnant again so at that point I wasn’t concerned about getting my pre-baby body back. The second pregnancy came with more aches and pains but not unmanageable. After the birth of my second, I felt like a train wreck. I had zero sense of core. At my six week checkup with my midwife she said that I had a slight cervical prolapse but nothing she was concerned about.

I continued to have urge incontinence because at this point I didn’t know what it was or that it was a problem. However, I also started having stress incontinence. Things like laughing or jumping would cause me to leak. That was worrisome for me. I started educating myself more on pelvic health by taking courses and reading books. Physically, I didn’t do any planks for about two years after my son was born and crunches not until more recently.

Eventually, my core regained strength and stability. That’s when I started having back pain. Excruciating, keep you up all night back pain. I went and saw the chiropractor and with a few adjustments, I was back on track. My chiropractor said it was SI joint and is pretty common. I had a bad habit of holding my kids on a certain hip so she advised that I switch it up. 

Currently in my journey, both urge and stress incontenience has ceased. I haven't had any presistent back pain. I feel a lot more stable in my center, even as a heavier woman. Knowing everything I know now, I wish I had learned about pelvic health before I became pregnant. Pelvic health is an underrated but vital part of every persons life. Without pelvic health, we wouldn't be able to release waste, walk upright or maintain sexual health. Pelvic health issues are treatable. 

If you would like to learn more about pelvic health, join us on September 19 & 26 for our Yoga for Pelvic Health Workshop. This is a two part live online workshop. Both parts will be recorded in case you are unable to attent one part. Take back your pelvic health!


What is Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy and Who Needs it?


Why is pelvic health important?