Inspiration for Yoga

Yoga in the First Trimester
Prenatal Yoga Angela Reis Prenatal Yoga Angela Reis

Yoga in the First Trimester

The main concern for not practicing yoga or physical activity in the first trimester is pregnancy loss. Pregnancy loss is fairly common and happens for a variety of reasons. Most pregnancy loss in the first trimester happen due a developmental reason that you do not have any control over.

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Prenatal Yoga, Pelvic Health Angela Reis Prenatal Yoga, Pelvic Health Angela Reis

Breathing During Labor and Pushing

This is the number one question I get asked as a prenatal yoga teacher and doula, how should I breath during labor? I know there a lot of birthing classes and techniques that teach specific methods to use during labor. While I don’t discount their methods, my issues with prescribed methods is most people don’t practice them regularly enough for it to be effective or they forget them completely.

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